Scope of Application

  1. Article 1-1 Contracts for accommodation and related agreements (including contracts for day use, etc., hereinafter referred to collectively as “Accommodation”, “Accommodation Contracts”) to be entered into between this Hotel and the Guest (refers to all guests using a guest room at the hotel) to be accommodated shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any particulars not provided herein shall be governed by laws and regulations ("laws and regulations," or those based on laws and regulations. The same shall apply hereinafter) and/or generally accepted practices.
  2. 1-2 In the case when this Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the preceding Paragraph, the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

Application for Accommodation Contract

  1. Article 2-1 A Guest who intends to make an application for Accommodation Contract with this Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars:
    1. (1) Name of the Guest(s)
    2. (2) Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival
    3. (3) Accommodation Charges
    4. (4) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel
  2. 2-2 In the case when the Guest requests an extension of the accommodation use beyond the date as given in subparagraph (2) of the preceding Paragraph, it shall be regarded as a new application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time such a request is made.

Conclusion of Accommodation Contracts, etc.

  1. Article 3-1 An Accommodation Contract shall be deemed concluded when this Hotel has duly accepted the application as stipulated in the preceding Article. However, the same shall not apply where it has been proven this Hotel has not accepted the application.
  2. 3-2 When an Accommodation Contract has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Guest shall pay an accommodation deposit fixed by this Hotel by the date specified by the Hotel.
  3. 3-3 The deposit shall first be used for the total amount of Accommodation Charges to be paid by the Guest, then secondly for the cancellation charges under Article 8, and thirdly for the reparations under Article 21 where applicable; the remainder, if any, shall be refunded at the time of payment of the Accommodation Charges as stated in Article 15.
  4. 3-4 When the Guest has failed to pay the deposit by the due date as stipulated in Paragraph 2, the Hotel shall treat the Accommodation Contract as invalid. However, this shall only apply in the case where the Guest is thus informed by the Hotel when the deposit payment due date is specified.

Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit

  1. Article 4-1 Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may enter into a special contract not requiring an accommodation deposit after the Contract has been concluded as stipulated in the same Paragraph.
  2. 4-2 In the case when the Hotel has not requested the deposit payment as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article and/or has not specified the deposit payment due date, it shall be treated as the Hotel has accepted a special contract prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.

Guest Liability

Article 5 The Hotel may request cooperation from the person who intends to stay at the hotel in accordance with the provisions of Article 4-2, Paragraph 1 of the Hotel Business Act (Act No. 138 of 1948).

Refusal of Accommodation Contracts

Article 6 The Hotel may not accept the conclusion of an Accommodation Contract under any of the following circumstances. However, this paragraph does not mean that the Hotel may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.

  1. (1) When the application for accommodation does not conform with these Terms and Conditions.
  2. (2) When the Hotel is fully booked and no rooms are available.
  3. (3) When the person(s) seeking accommodation is deemed liable to conduct themselves in a manner that will contravene the laws or act against public order and/or act immorally in regard to accommodation use.
  4. (4) When the person(s) seeking accommodation is deemed liable to fall under any of the following cases from (a) to (c).
    1. (a) Organized Crime Groups as defined in Article 2, Item 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Groups (Act No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter referred to as "Organized Crime Groups"), members of organized crime groups as defined in Article 2, Item 6 of the same article (hereinafter referred to as " Members of Organized Crime Groups "), associate members of organized crime groups or persons related to organized crime groups, or other antisocial groups.
    2. (b) When the person is an organized crime group or a corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or a member of an organized crime group.
    3. (c) A person who is a juridical person and one of its officers falls under the category of a n organized crime group member.
  5. (5) When the person is behaving in such a manner as to be an annoyance to other guests.
  6. (6) When a person who intends to stay at this hotel is a patient, etc. of a specified infectious disease as defined in Article 4 -2, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Hotel Business Act (hereinafter referred to as "patient, etc. of specified infectious disease").
  7. (7) When the Guest seeking accommodation has made violent demands of, or carried out violent acts against, the Hotel or its employees, or has requested the Hotel to assume an unreasonable burden. (Excluding cases where the person seeking accommodation requests the removal of social barriers pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 2 or Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Act (Act No. 65 of 2013. Hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities") on Promotion of Elimination of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability.).
  8. (8) When the person who intends to stay in the Hotel has repeatedly made a request to the Hotel as specified in Article 5 -6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Hotel Business Act as a request whose burden is excessive in its implementation and which may seriously impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests.
  9. (9) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, malfunction of facilities and/or other unavoidable causes.
  10. (10) When the case falls under the provisions of Article 4 of Kanagawa Prefecture Hotel Business Law Enforcement Ordinance (the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed likely to seriously inconvenience other guests due to being drunk or has engaged in speech or behavior that seriously inconveniences other guests).

Explanation of refusal to conclude a contract of accommodation

Article 7. The person who intends to stay may request the Hotel to explain the reasons for its refusal to enter into a contract of accommodation in accordance with the preceding article.

Right to Cancel Accommodation Contracts by the Guest

  1. Article 8-1 The Guest is entitled to cancel the Accommodation Contract by so notifying the Hotel.
  2. 2. 8-2 If the Guest has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to causes for which the Guest is liable (except in the case when the Hotel has requested payment of the deposit during the specified period as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 and the Guest has cancelled before payment), the Guest shall pay cancellation charges as listed in the Attached Table No. 1. However, in the case when a special contract as prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 4 has been concluded, the same shall apply only when the Guest is informed of the obligation of payment of cancellation charges in case of cancellation by the Guest.
  3. 8-3 If the Guest does not appear by 8pm. of the accommodation date (without advance notice hours after the expected time of arrival if the Hotel is notified), the Hotel may regard the Accommodation Contract as being cancelled by the Guest.

Attachment 1 * Counting from initial notification date of cancellation

General Reservation (Maximum 9 persons for Accommodation Contract application)

No-show On the
reservation date
Previous day of
reservation date
2 days prior to
reservation date
3 days prior to
reservation date
Earlier than 4 days
prior to reservation date
100% 100% 100% - - -


No-show/On the reservation date /Previous day of reservation date/ 2 days prior to reservation date/ 3 days prior to reservation date/
Earlier than 4 days prior to reservation date

Group Reservation (Accommodation Contract application for over 10 persons)

No-show On the
reservation date
Previous day of
reservation date
From 2 to 7 days
prior to reservation date
From 8 to 14 days
prior to reservation date
From 15 to 21 days
prior to reservation date
100% 100% 100% 50% 30% 20%


No-show/On the reservation date /Previous day of reservation date/ From 2 to 7 days prior to reservation date/ From 8 to 14 days prior to reservation date/ From 15 to 21 days prior to reservation date

Note 1. The percentages signify the rate of cancellation charge to the Accommodation Charges specified at the time of contract.
Note 2. When the number of days contracted is shortened, the cancellation charge for the first day shall be paid by the Guest regardless of the number of shortened days.
Note 3. When part of a group reservation is cancelled, the cancellation charge shall not incur for the number of persons equivalent to 10% of the number of persons booked as of 15 days prior to the reservation date (when accepted less than 15 days prior to occupancy, then as of notification date) , with fraction rounded to a whole number.

Right to Cancel Accommodation Contracts by the Hotel

  1. Article 9-1 The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract under any of the following cases, regardless of Accommodation Contracts being concluded as prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 3.
    1. (1) When the Guest is deemed liable to fall under Cases (3) to (10) in Article 6-1.
    2. (2) When the Guest has violated the Rules as prescribed in Article 13 and/or the Hotel deems the Guest to be liable of such a violation.
    3. (3) When there are justifiable grounds for cancellation, and/or the Hotel deems there to be justifiable grounds, including respective items of the preceding Paragraph.
  2. 9-2 In the case when the Hotel has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel shall not be entitled to charge the Guest for any future services which have not been rendered.
  3. Explanation of Cancellation of Accommodation Contract

    Article 10 In the event that the Hotel cancels the accommodation contract in accordance with the preceding article, the Guest may request an explanation of the reasons for such cancellation.


  1. Article 11-1 The Guest shall register the following particulars at the Front Desk on the day of accommodation:
    1. (1) Name, age, sex, address, occupation of Guest(s)
    2. (2) Nationality and passport number for foreigners who do not have a domicile in Japan.
    3. (3) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel.
  2. 11-2 In the case when the Guest intends to pay Accommodation Charges prescribed in Article 12 by any other means than Japanese currency, such as accommodation vouchers and credit cards, these credentials shall be shown in advance at the time of registration prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.

Occupancy Hours of Guest Rooms

  1. Article 12-1 The Guest is entitled to occupy the contracted guest room of the Hotel from 3 p.m. to 11 a.m. of the next day, if not otherwise specified in the special contract. However, in the case when the Guest is accommodated continuously, the Guest may occupy it all day long, except for the days of arrival and departure. Guests may be asked to wait after 3 p.m. to occupy the contracted guest room in inevitable cases such as guest room maintenance etc.
  2. 12-2 The Hotel may, notwithstanding the provisions stipulated in the preceding paragraph, permit the Guest to use the room past the checkout time. In such cases, an extra charge shall apply. The charge will vary depending on room type and length of extension. Inquire with the front desk for details.
  3. 12-3 The Hotel may change the hours of occupancy of Paragraph 1 for unavoidable reasons. In that case, the Hotel will notify the Guest in an appropriate way.
  4. 12-4 Not withstanding the provisions prescribed in the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel may permit the Guest to occupy the contracted room beyond the time prescribed in the same Paragraph. In this case, additional charges shall be paid by the Guest. As the additional charges differ according to room type and extended occupancy time, please inquire at the Front Desk for details.

Observance of Rules

Article 13 The Guest shall observe the Hotel Regulations established by the Hotel. Hotel Regulations are posted within the premises of the Hotel.

Business Hours

  1. Article 14 The business hours of the main facilities, etc. of the Hotel shall be notified in notices displayed in the Hotel premises, in guest rooms and others. These hours are subject to temporary changes due to unavoidable causes of the Hotel. In such a case, the Guest shall be informed by appropriate means.

Payment of Accommodation Charges

  1. Article 15-1 The breakdown of Accommodation Charges and other service fees the Guest should pay is as listed below:
    1. Accommodation Charge
      (1) Accommodation Charge (room rate + extension fee for any extended occupancy)
      (2) Service Charge ((1) x 10%)
    2. Additional Charges
      (3) Extra foods and drinks
      (4) Service Charge ((3) x 10%) (some not applicable)
    3. Taxes
      (5) Consumption Tax
  2. 15-2 Accommodation charges, etc. as stated in the preceding Paragraph shall be paid at Front Desk at the time of the Guest's departure or upon request by the Hotel in Japanese currency. Other means acceptable to the Hotel are traveler's cheques, coupons and credit cards. However, if special circumstances occur, they will be considered separately.
  3. 15-3 Accommodation charges shall be paid even if the Guest voluntarily does not utilize the accommodation facilities provided for him/her by the Hotel.

Liabilities of the Hotel

  1. Article 16-1 The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damage if the Hotel has caused such damage to the Guest in the fulfillment or the nonfulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements. However, the same shall not apply in cases where such damage has been caused due to reasons for which the Hotel is not liable.
  2. 16-2 The Hotel is covered by Hotel Liability Insurance to deal with unexpected fire and/or other disasters.

Handling when Unable to Provide Contracted Rooms

  1. Article 17-1 The Hotel shall, when unable to provide contracted rooms, arrange accommodation of the same standard elsewhere for the Guest insofar as practicable with the consent of the Guest.
  2. 17-2 When arrangement of other accommodation cannot be made, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel shall pay the Guest a compensation fee equivalent to the cancellation charges and the compensation fee shall be applied to reparations. However, when the Hotel cannot provide accommodation due to causes for which the Hotel is not liable, the Hotel will not compensate the Guest.

Handling of Deposited Articles

  1. Article 18-1 The Hotel shall compensate for the Guest for damages when loss, breakage, or other damage occurs to goods, cash, or valuables deposited at the front desk by the Guest, except in the case when such damage is caused by force majeure. However, for cash and valuables, when the Hotel has requested the Guest for an appraisal of the value and the Guest has failed to do so, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest up to a maximum of 150,000 yen.
  2. Article 18-2 The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for any damage and/or loss determined to be the malicious intent or negligence on the part of the Hotel of goods, cash, or valuables which are brought into the Hotel premises by the Guest, but not deposited at the Front Desk. However the Hotel shall compensate the Guest within the limit of 150,000yen.

Custody of Baggage and/or Belongings of Guest

  1. Article 19-1 When the baggage of the Guest is brought into the Hotel before his/her arrival, the Hotel shall be liable to store it only in the case when such a request has been accepted from the Hotel. The baggage shall be handed over to the Guest at the Front Desk at the time of his/her check-in.
  2. 19-2 If a guest leaves behind baggage or belongings after checking out, in principle, the Hotel will wait for them to make an inquiry and ask for their instructions. If the Guest does not make an inquiry or provide instructions, the Hotel will discard the baggage or belongings after one month from detection (the day following the day of detection in the case of food, beverages, cigarettes, magazines, etc.).
  3. 19-3 The Hotel's liability in regards to the custody of the Guest's baggage and belongings in the case of the preceding two paragraphs shall be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the Preceding Article in the case of Paragraph 1, and with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same Article in the case of Paragraph 2.

Liability in Regard to Parking

Article 20 The Hotel shall not be liable for the custody of the vehicle of the Guest when the Guest utilizes the parking lot within the premises of the Hotel, as it shall be regarded that the Hotel simply offers the space for parking, whether the key of the vehicle has been deposited to the Hotel or not. However, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damage caused through intent or negligence on the part of the Hotel in regards to the management of the parking lot.

Liability of the Guest

Article 21 The Guest shall compensate the Hotel for damage caused through intent or negligence on part of the Guest.

Legal Disclaimer

Article 22 The Guests use computer communications from within the Hotel at their own risk. The Hotel will not be liable for any damage suffered by a user as a result of service being interrupted due to a system failure or other reason while Guests are using computer communication. In addition, if any damage is caused to the Hotel or a third party due to an act that the Hotel judges to be inappropriate in the use of computer communications, the Guest will provide compensation for that damage.

Governing law

Article 23 The Guest shall compensate the Hotel for damage caused through intent or negligence on part of the Guest.

Governing language

  1. Article 24 These Terms and Conditions have been provided in both Japanese and other languages (English, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and Korean). If there is any discrepancy between the Japanese version and a version in another language, the Japanese version will take precedence.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

  1. Article 25 If any of the following occur, the Hotel may change these Terms and Conditions by posting the changed content and the date any such changes will come into effect on the Hotel website. Further, when necessary, the Hotel may use other appropriate means to notify Guests, etc.
  2. (1) When changes are in the general interest of Guests.
  3. (2) When changes do not contravene the objective of transactions related to these Terms and Conditions, and when said changes are reasonable based on their necessity, the suitability of content following the changes and any other circumstances related to the changes.

A Request for Your Cooperation

  • The Hotel is engaged in eco-friendly actions, such as CO2 reduction. We would be very grateful for your cooperation with the following actions.
    * Please inform the Hotel staff if you do not require daily housekeeping during a consecutive stay.
    * Please inform the housekeeping staff of any unnecessary amenities in the guest room.
    * The Hotel does not conduct housekeeping during 1-night stays.
    * During consecutive stays, Hotel housekeeping is conducted once per 1 overnight stay. (Particular housekeeping times can be requested between the hours of 10:00~14:00)

    TEL : +81-467-60-1250

    1-8-1, Komachi, Kamakura-city, Kanagawa, 248-0006

    Google Maps